Batman Hentai

Batman Porn Story: To Fight for a BadGuy Chapter 2

Batman Porn Story: To Fight for a BadGuy Chapter 2

Shorter than my first, but at least I updated! Ive got about four more chapters I can post Yay! Just as soon as I get more reviews lol ;)

Atticus620: I hope that brain dying thing wasnt tooo serious! Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to review and I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Oh and its fun to be cruel… especially to your favourite character… he he he.

Yours insanely


The Joker sat silently on his small cot. His red eyes glaring out the barred windows of their wretched cell, watching as the clouds steadily moved over the ghostly galleon in the sky. It has been over two months since they had been brought to this horrid place and the question which still held claim to all of their minds was simple;


Sure they were monsters, criminals, demons born from the poisonous pits from heck where Satan would not tread.

Perhaps the last one was pushing it a little, but they were still criminals, out casts in the world which they had so desperately tried to fit into early on in their lives, only to find no place for people like them.

Joker sighed, feeling the strain in his bones where the beatings had taken place. The doctors of this new hospital had been particularly interested with his ability to endure immense pain without problem. Experiment upon experiment had been made on his body, pushing him to his limits, but he prided himself that the only sound they had pulled from his body was laughter.

A jolting pain shot through his back, he might not be screaming in pain, but that did not mean he wasnt suffering. Joker closed his eyes for a moment, waiting for the ache to subside and upon opening them he gazed at the other occupants in the cell;

Penguin was sitting upright in his bed, starring at nothing in particular, much like Joker. His clothes were tattered and torn; his face holding the look of pure defeat and despite himself Joker couldnt help but feel the mutual pain. He knew what the old bird was going through, but there wasnt much they could do about it.

Joker smiled as the Penguin glared at his own tattered clothing. Upon arrival their old clothes had been quickly disposed off and they were given pure white suits to wear. They hadnt stayed white long, during the first week almost every patch on the suits were either blooded or torn, but they had yet to receive new clothes.

That had been over seven weeks ago.

Shifting his gaze he looked at the still slumbering Mr. Freeze, he wasnt sure why the icicle hadnt busted out yet, but he could be sure there was a damn good reason. Perhaps he hadnt escaped for the same reason why Joker hadnt done so; no opportunities.

These guys might be torturers, but they werent stupid.

The Joker felt his eyes droop shut, he felt the calm of sleep beginning to claim him, and a small smile played on his lips as the warmth of slumber crept into his shivering body.

Joker was violently shaken from his stupor when the door to their cell suddenly flew open, allowing an icy wind to blow in along with it.

Red eyes focused on the limp form of the Riddler as it was flung into the cell by the masked marauders. The Orderlies of the hospital all wore masks, most probably to make sure that if the criminals escaped they wouldnt come after them. Ed slammed hard onto the concrete floor, but no sound escaped the shaking body.

Not good.

As soon as the masked marauders left, Joker carefully, but painfully limped over to the fallen form of the riddle man.

His body was shaking terribly and Joker recognized it as shock therapy on the first few days they had electrified him relentlessly until not even one of his muscles even responded to him. When they would throw him back into the cell he would crawl into the bathroom (which was actually a small hole in the ground and led to who knows where) and threw up anything his stomach had previously contained.

Which hadnt been much.

Ed shifted slightly on the ground his body convulsing into I am going to throw up spasms. Fuck Joker muttered and grabbing Ed by his arm he dragged the kid over to the bathroom.

He practically shoved Eds face into the hole, but the kid got the message and pushing his tired body up by his raw palms he emptied out his stomach contents in violent heaves and chokes. Joker lazily leaned against the wall and shifting his eyes away from Riddle butt he focused on the other occupants.

Penguin had nary even moved, but was silently trying to scrape off the blood from his tattered clothes. Freeze had awakened, his gaze met the Jokers and in one final thought upon that night they both knew one solitary thing;

They had to find a way to escape.

Yours insanely


P.S: The rating may change.

P.S.S: It will we changed in the near future.

P.S.S.S: Have you taken note of the previous two PSs?

P.S.S.S.S: If youre reading this it means youre either very bored or I am very interesting… most probably the latter…

P.S.S.S.S.S: Lol, just kidding ;)

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